Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Project 1 Reflection

What we did in this project is we made a website that has links to 3 of our favorite movies and have a copyright link. We did this by making a home page  first add picture of the movie then, i made html files for all 3 movies, and explaining who made it when was it releace  and who started the movies. This was the hardest part because i had to do a lot of research and it took me a lot of time and effort to do. After that I had to link everything up which wasn’t that hard to do, I also made a banner for my project, the banner show what is the project about. I made a copyright page to to give creidt to the source that I got. The hardest part was making the movie page because it took me at least 8 hours to do all 3 of them. I see my self using this in the future when makaing an explanation why I like something.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Lab 7 Relection

What I did in this lab is make a website that has links to our other labs and made it our index too so finding ours is way easier, and change the other lab to have a link that goes back to the index so anybody can see my labs easily. I did this this by making a table with tow rows going down one is lab number and the other is a picture of the website or from the website, then I add a link for the picture and the lab name, after that i sent to all of my other labs and put the link to my index. Then i move everything in lab 7 to the root of my folder. The hardest part of the project is making the table and adding in the link to the project. I see my self using this in the future when i'm making my own website.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lab 6 Reflection

This lab we had to create a banner and a name plate. I used Photoshop to make it, make this by using a free background  from Google . I then I added my name and class to the picturet to make my banner. Then with the same image I used part of the background and add my name to it to create my name plate. The hardest part was making a background because it took me time to pick a background. I see myself using this in the future when I'm making my own website.